• You must be logged in to see or use the Shoutbox. Besides, if you haven't registered, you really should. It's quick and it will make your life a little better. Trust me. So just register and make yourself at home with like-minded individuals who share either your morbid curiousity or sense of gallows humor.
Well, we do know one thing for certain: our government certainly views both service members and veterans as being disposable.

Not our government. She lives in Canada. We value our vets and are proud of our military background. Lithium should remember that thanks to the recently passed bill she's now a second class citizen, she actually falls lower on the social scale then those bitch ass vets she's referring too. Who's the disposable one now? ;)
First off, @lithiumgirl soldiers are not disposable, they are people that have volunteered to help maintain and keep those privileges you are using right now. The ability to be a complete and utter cunt bag, the right for you to express your asinine opinion. I personally think you should be kneeling before any of your friends/associates that have served and thank them for the time they served.

This kid attacked a fellow citizen, not a soldier. it just so happened that he picked a spot that he knew would upset people. Military posts are becoming more and more of a target for stupid antics because, sadly we won't be shocked when the clowns shoot up a school or a mall.
Fucking clown... the whole "I want to go out in a blaze of glory" thing pisses me off... :shifty:

You and me both. Another media junkie shit stain on the shorts of humanity. Except for the anger and grief of Michael Braden's family, friends and military bros/sisters, this fantasy-brained, squeazly, little p**sy's "infamy" isn't gonna last beyond a few more news blurbs on his trial, then he'll be forgotten by the public at-large like yesterday's cold oatmeal. Wonder which movie he's going to tell his atty. and psych evaluator he was "influenced" by. Natural Born Degenerate Losers comes to mind... :rolleyes:
We value our vets and are proud of our military background.
Yes, We the People do. They the Politicians, however, don't give a shit about service members' or veterans' lives - they are just bodies to throw into warfare so bankers, corporations, and other politicians can get richer while We continue to get poorer as a result. We the People are the only ones who genuinely rally around our military members.

If our government DID care about our service members - and especially vets - they would spend more money on treating them better, instead of giving yet more billions of dollars in "aid" to foregin countries while claiming there isn't money left to better the people here, in our own country.

@lithiumgirl is not demeaning our service members. She is simply talking about their job and how death is an on the job hazard.
@lithiumgirl is not demeaning our service members. She is simply talking about their job and how death is an on the job hazard.
Stop looking at the world through Lithiumgirl's spread legs. She basically said that all service member should have died in service. Fuck off with that.
I did not serve, and that was by choice, but fuck you and everyone that puts soldiers down. They have a tough enough situation. I grew up with a Nam vet that came home, proud of serving his country to be spit on and have feces thrown on him for being a soldier.
@lithiumgirl is not demeaning our service members. She is simply talking about their job and how death is an on the job hazard.

The White Knighting is sweet, but kind of hard to take your summary of what Lithiumgirl meant when she replied...

Deserve....He signed up for it when he decided to put a soldiers uniform on.

...to someone saying that the victim didn't deserve to die.
@lithiumgirl is not demeaning our service members. She is simply talking about their job and how death is an on the job hazard.
Death is a hazard, but not something they deserve and something that should happen as she stated.

Why on earth you would defend what she said? She called any vet who survived a bitch and said they should have died. She said anyone who signed up deserves to die. If that's not demeaning the service people in your country, I don't know what is..

Her vagina isn't spouting magical rainbow dust and even if it was, she's married and probably busy being tied up and peed on by her husband. You ain't getting none of that magic cooter dust, have some respect for yourself.
All I can say is...@lithiumgirl is severely misunderstood here. I guess I need to write a codec or something so you can all decipher what she's really saying. If you take her words literally you will be way off mark...think, free-form association or something. Reading between the lines.

She has a uniquely creative mind, which is probably part of the reason she is so misunderstood, and if you spent some genuine quality time with her would know she is an absolute genius. I took the time to get to know her, so I know it's true.

Okay, go crap on me now.
All I can say is...@lithiumgirl is severely misunderstood here. I guess I need to write a codec or something so you can all decipher what she's really saying. If you take her words literally you will be way off mark...think, free-form association or something. Reading between the lines.

She has a uniquely creative mind, which is probably part of the reason she is so misunderstood, and if you spent some genuine quality time with her would know she is an absolute genius. I took the time to get to know her, so I know it's true.

Okay, go crap on me now.
Why should I learn to read between the lines? She's using written form to communicate her thoughts and opinions. Being written form and being thoughts and opinions, you don't give vague shit that can be taken another way. To me there is no other way to take calling a surviving vet a bitch and saying they deserved to die. Maybe you can enlighten me since according to you I misunderstood.

What did she really mean by anyone who survived is a bitch? Why would anyone who's willing to die for your rights and freedoms deserve to die? (big difference between willing and deserving)
All I can say is...@SourPussy is severely misunderstood here. I guess I need to write a codec or something so you can all decipher what she's really saying. If you take her words literally you will be way off mark...think, free-form association or something. Reading between the lines.

She has a uniquely creative mind, which is probably part of the reason she is so misunderstood, and if you spent some genuine quality time with her would know she is an absolute genius. I took the time to get to know her, so I know it's true.

Okay, go crap on me now.

You are fucking kidding right now aren't you? I know I don't talk much on here but with high regularity I see posts from SourPussy come by and seriously if there is any coherency in the actual reply it is self, it generally has nothing to do with the Topic at hand.

Uniquely creative mind is a poor excuse for having no filter, just typing the first thing that comes to mind (poorly at that) and spew it out in the open is nothing creative or beautiful. It's rude and in most cases comes across as the writings of an rambling idiot that got lost in her own conversation with herself.

Qualifying her as a genius, is quite the leap based on the input given on this fora by her. Who knows maybe in person she does a 180 but at the moment I personally see no signs of this in public. The evaluation of this is not limited to this thread I might add.
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My family fought and died so you could immigrate to Canada. If that makes them "bitches" so be it. You being in Canada, have every right to say what you said..shame it came at my families expense.

My Grandfather was a soldier in Malta in WWII..came here in the fifties with his wife, three sons and two daughters...I am Canadian. That was a long time ago so spare me...and this is a very different war. The state of America's youth is America's problem....not the Middle East's obviously.
Why should I learn to read between the lines?

All people express themselves differently even when using the same medium. It's like the difference between viewing a Norman Rockwell vs Salvador Dali. But both can be appreciated on their own level.

I could expound about the "deserving" thing and all that, but really, she likes to speak for herself. As much as I would like to "White Knight" this...I have to step back and let her handle it if she wants to.
First off, @lithiumgirl soldiers are not disposable, they are people that have volunteered to help maintain and keep those privileges you are using right now. The ability to be a complete and utter cunt bag, the right for you to express your asinine opinion. I personally think you should be kneeling before any of your friends/associates that have served and thank them for the time they served.

This kid attacked a fellow citizen, not a soldier. it just so happened that he picked a spot that he knew would upset people. Military posts are becoming more and more of a target for stupid antics because, sadly we won't be shocked when the clowns shoot up a school or a mall.

But the freedom fighters here aren't doing that...they're choosing military targets...Officers and gentlemen following the rules of war.
All I can say is...@lithiumgirl is severely misunderstood here. I guess I need to write a codec or something so you can all decipher what she's really saying. If you take her words literally you will be way off mark...think, free-form association or something. Reading between the lines.

She has a uniquely creative mind, which is probably part of the reason she is so misunderstood, and if you spent some genuine quality time with her would know she is an absolute genius. I took the time to get to know her, so I know it's true.

Okay, go crap on me now.

C'mon, dude... Why are you wasting your virtual breath here? Pretty sure she's told you previously in another thread that she doesn't need or want a defender.

If you say dumbass, intentionally inflammatory shit, then you have to be prepared for the fallout when everyone else calls you out on said dumbass, intentionally inflammatory shit.

Your insistence on jumping in to fight in every little flame war she's in only emphasizes the perception that she's mentally incapable of defending herself, or verbalizing her own thoughts sufficiently to hold her own when people call her out on dumb shit.

Are you getting paid to be the lithiumgirl damage control thought translator? Damn, I sure hope so. Seems like it would be a demanding job with lengthy hours and very little reward.
My Grandfather was a soldier in Malta in WWII..came here in the fifties with his wife, three sons and two daughters...I am Canadian. That was a long time ago so spare me...and this is a very different war. The state of America's youth is America's problem....not the Middle East's obviously.
Vet's are vets. Period. It doesn't matter what war they fought in or if they haven't seen action at all. Think your grandfather fought for you to call him a bitch and wish him dead?

You missed the point that this soldier wasn't at war. He was at home. The one place he should be safe. He was killed by someone from his own country. This has nothing to do with how a government see's their soldiers, you're the one who brought wars into it. This doesn't even have anything to do with service people. The only reason this kid chose to do what he did where he did was because of the media attention it would garner him. You're making it out to be way more then it really is, which is just playing into what he wanted.

You are as Canadian as Justin Bieber is.
To me there is no other way to take calling a surviving vet a bitch and saying they deserved to die.

I never said the guy deserved it...it said it was earned...he signed up for it when he took the job.
I also gave a nod to the freedom fighters here who once again followed protocol and struck a military target...and not an occupied building full of women and children...Keeping us all safe...round of applause.

I did say that some fuck probably yell in your face...and gets you psyched for dying...cause you're in the fucking army now bitch..and it aint for pussies. Hugs aren't going to shape you into a good warrior...soldier.
Your insistence on jumping in to fight in every little flame war she's in only emphasizes the perception that she's mentally incapable of defending herself, or verbalizing her own thoughts sufficiently to hold her own when people call her out on dumb shit.
And there are plenty of others here who jump in & help out when one of their cohorts are being attacked. I am no different, except I try to also defend ones honor while doing it. It's just the way I am.
Then why are you speaking for me ...bitch!

I wasn't, actually, I was speaking for everyone else like myself who has grown weary of this rodeo.

And way to pop off with the name calling when I completely refrained from it. Guess Rod2pop will be telling me what you really meant by bitch in 3... 2...
Vet's are vets. Period. It doesn't matter what war they fought in or if they haven't seen action at all. Think your grandfather fought for you to call him a bitch and wish him dead?

You missed the point that this soldier wasn't at war. He was at home. The one place he should be safe. He was killed by someone from his own country. This has nothing to do with how a government see's their soldiers, you're the one who brought wars into it. This doesn't even have anything to do with service people. The only reason this kid chose to do what he did where he did was because of the media attention it would garner him. You're making it out to be way more then it really is, which is just playing into what he wanted.

You are as Canadian as Justin Bieber is.

America is at war my dear...how arrogant for them to think that all the fighting would take place everyplace except...merica! And we're in Danger...all of us...eventually.
I wasn't, actually, I was speaking for everyone else like myself who has grown weary of this rodeo.

And way to pop off with the name calling when I completely refrained from it. Guess Rod2pop will be telling me what you really meant by bitch in 3... 2...

Go find a new thread...take -- all of us, with you! He might...but I think he knows I got this. Bitch...its nothing personal...you seen breaking bad right. That word seems to be flying out of my mouth today...No particular reason...I'm not apologizing for it.
Go find a new thread...take -- all of us, with you! He might...but I think he knows I got this. Bitch...its nothing personal...you seen breaking bad right. That word seems to be flying out of my mouth today...No particular reason...I'm not apologizing for it.

Trust, I couldn't be less offended by, or less expecting of or needy for an apology. Just making a point.

If bitch is the worst I get today, I'm doing alright lol
Trust, I couldn't be less offended by, or less expecting of or needy for an apology. Just making a point.

If bitch is the worst I get today, I'm doing alright lol

Can you stay on topic...a soldier lost his life because of America's ineptitude...its not all about you...show some respect.
Can you stay on topic...a soldier lost his life because of America's ineptitude...its not all about you...show some respect.

Are you serious with this right meow?
1) I've been trying to make a point that this shit is off topic and has grown wearisome. Your replies have also thus far been off topic and therefore you're being quite hypocritical.

2) you've made it abundantly clear that you place no value on this or any soldier's life throughout the entirety of this thread.
You admonishing me to show respect would be kind of funny if it wasn't so misplaced and ridiculous. My family has a long history of military duty, and I couldn't be prouder.
@DIAFplease commented:
Traaaaaaaain wreck. Toot toot. I love that a certain group can and do rally to one another's defense for an infraction as little as someone crapping on someone they like post but if the member isn't a DD darling or a shout box groupie, fuck em, they and people who agree with them are fair game.

Really? C'mon, A. As a member whose been reading this same complaint over and over again since long before the NSFW thread was nuked, honest question? Who are these "cunts", "cool kids", "DD darlings," etc. you continually keep remarking about?

I honest to god don't see it (that's why I'm asking). Am I one of them, too, and just don't know it? Are you harboring some kind of animosity toward me I'm not aware of? You've always used the same, old targeted yet ambiguous "group" descriptives of these members, so there's no way to know who the heck you're referring to. :shrug:
I don't know you well enough or have paid enough attention to know if you are this "crazy cunt who is off her meds and should be hit by a train" as at least 4-5 people were clutching pearls and pitch fork hoisting in shout a little bit ago. I do know a personal attack if I see one and it's total one sided crap.
As far as vets being honored and revered in this country, Sud? What are you smoking, because I want some. Roughly one vet commits suicide in this country every 65 minutes. That is astronomical. Why? Because they are largely alone and cut off when they come home, especially if injured. They have to fight as hard to survive at home as they do at war.

#1..Read more of her posts and you'll know why everyone thinks she's crazy. It's not people running around behind her back saying it. It's a beaten horse that's been said to her face in plenty of threads.

#2.. She's Canadian, as am I. She's been slamming your vets, not ours, yours. My posts clearly are about Canadian vets and in defense of the name calling of your vets.

#3 Fuck off with all that whiny shit. You had no horse in this fight and just came here to scream about the injustice being done against lithium. She's a big girl and can fight her own battles.
Are you serious with this right meow?
1) I've been trying to make a point that this shit is off topic and has grown wearisome. Your replies have also thus far been off topic and therefore you're being quite hypocritical.

2) you've made it abundantly clear that you place no value on this or any soldier's life throughout the entirety of this thread.
You admonishing me to show respect would be kind of funny if it wasn't so misplaced and ridiculous. My family has a long history of military duty, and I couldn't be prouder.

You got some Medals pinned to your chest...or did that service stop with you?

#1..Read more of her posts and you'll know why everyone thinks she's crazy. It's not people running around behind her back saying it. It's a beaten horse that's been said to her face in plenty of threads.

#2.. She's Canadian, as am I. She's been slamming your vets, not ours, yours. My posts clearly are about Canadian vets and in defense of the name calling of your vets.
#1..Read more of her posts and you'll know why everyone thinks she's crazy. It's not people running around behind her back saying it. It's a beaten horse that's been said to her face in plenty of threads.

#2.. She's Canadian, as am I. She's been slamming your vets, not ours, yours. My posts clearly are about Canadian vets and in defense of the name calling of your vets.

#3 Fuck off with all that whiny shit. You had no horse in this fight and just came here to scream about the injustice being done against lithium. She's a big girl and can fight her own battles.

Actually I'm pretty worried about Canada right now...Danger..danger!
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Traaaaaaaain wreck. Toot toot. I love that a certain group can and do rally to one another's defense for an infraction as little as someone crapping on someone they like post but if the member isn't a DD darling or a shout box groupie, fuck em, they and people who agree with them are fair game. @lithiumgirl, honey, I don't know you well enough or have paid enough attention to know if you are this "crazy cunt who is off her meds and should be hit by a train" as at least 4-5 people were clutching pearls and pitch fork hoisting in shout a little bit ago. I do know a personal attack if I see one and it's total one sided crap.

As far as vets being honored and revered in this country, Sud? What are you smoking, because I want some. Roughly one vet commits suicide in this country every 65 minutes. That is astronomical. Why? Because they are largely alone and cut off when they come home, especially if injured. They have to fight as hard to survive at home as they do at war.

Blah, blah, blah.
You certainly didn't have any issue with the mods pulling me off your jock.

I actually agree to a very small extent on what is being said by rod(as a lith interpreter). So I'm staying out of this one.

Please quit making everything about your agenda.
Actually it's more like "Get a fucking room already Rod" not STFU Rod. Who said he can't like her? At times I like her. But not when she's intentionally being a fucktardiot like now .

We shouldn't say retard or variations of tard...it offends some people...terms like twat waffle and fuckwad are still acceptable though, I don't want you to accidentally hurt someone...you're not really the hurting kind...at least from here. fUCKTARDIDIOT is pretty fucking creative though...maybe it will a get a pass. We'll see?!

Blah, blah, blah.
You certainly didn't have any issue with the mods pulling me off your jock.

I actually agree to a very small extent on what is being said by rod(as a lith interpreter). So I'm staying out of this one.

Please quit making everything about your agenda.

You guys run to the mods....you're all fucking birds!
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