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1st movie was Bambi
1st scary movie was Nightmare on Elm St... at the drive in I was all alone in the back of my mom's boyfriends huge Ford 4X4... when we got home he had hid in my closet wearing a freddy sweater and glove.... he jumped out and I sent him to the hospital... broke his nose with my baseball bat!! I didn't sleep alone for months.... I refused to bathe... hello all the other movies I had seen (on TV) (Creature Feature) the scary part was in the shower so i always took baths nothing ever happened in the tub till Freddy came along... My parents fought for months over my mom taking me to see it. Turned out to be one of my favorite movies a few years later
Jaws. I was like 5 years old. Yeah my movie memory is that bad and the only reason I remember this is because I was playing and my dad called me to look up just as the kid got attacked. I cried and have been terrified of sharks since. He, of course, laughed and thought it was the most hilarious thing ever. Other than that I was a total flower as a kid and only watched cutsie Disney movies.
Return of the Living Dead......It's the first one that ever stuck with me. To this day i'm still all about rabid weasels and eating brains.
The first movie I remember fully was Purple Rain, it was at the drive in. Ford later bought the land and made the light truck factory in Wayne bigger. I remember begging my mom to take me. I always take my kids to the drive in now, never know when they will completely disappear. My favorite is Ford-Wyoming just outside of Detroit, you can still sneak around and watch the first movie on another screen, they have ten, so you can actually watch three movies. Plus they play, rain, snow, shine, they don't care.