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im not familiar with that name. . But its ok. .. . . .guess its gonna have to be. . . .since i cant beat the answers out of u for my questions. . . Ya. . . . Thinking maybe u would enjoy it too much and want me to try tho. . . .huh?
does anyone know of whom he speaks??

Wiki says:
Bruno Bettelheim (August 28, 1903 – March 13, 1990) was an Austrian-born American child psychologist and writer. He gained an international reputation for his work on Freud, psychoanalysis, and emotionally disturbed children.

And goes on to describe him as a bit of a quack and a tyrant in between the amazing work he did on fairytales.


Cannot say I had ever hard of him before this trippy conversation.....
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@Abroad. Thank you for looking into that. But now what i just feel the conversation with Pete got a lil more weird. . . .im telling you mho when i say i really just dont understand that guy. He is kinda funny at times. . And when hes not funny its a lil insulting. Not to me personally but ive read (some) his comments to other peoples opinions. So . . . . @Pete, whats this all about? Please, do tell. How would asking this bruno guy about what you meant help answer anything? Isnt he dead?? Lmao. . . .so confused. . So i laugh. .
@Abroad. Thank you for looking into that. But now what i just feel the conversation with Pete got a lil more weird. . . .im telling you mho when i say i really just dont understand that guy. He is kinda funny at times. . And when hes not funny its a lil insulting. Not to me personally but ive read (some) his comments to other peoples opinions. So . . . . @Pete, whats this all about? Please, do tell. How would asking this bruno guy about what you meant help answer anything? Isnt he dead?? Lmao.P . . .so confused. . So i laugh. .

Peter has mother issues.

Umm... Excuse me I danced for years and detest being called a stripper. Oh, who the hell am I trying to kid, I could give a shit, I'm Goddamn proud that at my age after 3 births and ZERO plastic surgery I can still get on a stage and show them young 'uns how it's done!

That's fine for you Krystal keep telling yourself that a million times, "I'm not a stripper" maybe one day you'll believe it. That said maybe she danced as a stripper 'cos as a multi-millionaire her husband was CHEAP not giving her enough ca$h is king that's why the rich are richer than us they won't spend it. That said besides saying cuss words the GD my pet peeve tells me you're not a professional unless it's a professional ho. Happy New Year - 2014 Now shape up or ship out the young hot babes will replace a rapidly, aging after three kids BEAT not sexy just another pair of legs that cheap joints like you strip in will hire 'cos they're desperate. Maybe in your warped mind you THINK you can show them young 'uns perhaps in your small town there's a shortage of "talent" I mean single mothers of three who need ca$h so badly they'll spread those ass cheeks to get a dollar bill shoved up there or in the nasty vajajay! The truth hurts. Let's keep it real! Krystal what's your stage name as a stripper maybe that's it! Somebody needs some Krystal Meth to get on stage. You call that dancing? Take the pole away now what do you have? A cheap ass stripper without her pole. That's ain't right right there even Larry the Cable Guy agrees. What trailer park did you say you live in? Krystal = TPT
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That's fine for you Krystal keep telling yourself that a million times, "I'm not a stripper" maybe one day you'll believe it. That said maybe she danced as a stripper 'cos as a multi-millionaire her husband was CHEAP not giving her enough ca$h is king that's why the rich are richer than us they won't spend it. That said besides saying cuss words the GD my pet peeve tells me you're not a professional unless it's a professional ho. Happy New Year - 2014 Now shape up or ship out the young hot babes will replace a rapidly, aging after three kids BEAT not sexy just another pair of legs that cheap joints like you strip in will hire 'cos they're desperate. Maybe in your warped mind you THINK you can show them young 'uns perhaps in your small town there's a shortage of "talent" I mean single mothers of three who need ca$h so badly they'll spread those ass cheeks to get a dollar bill shoved up there or in the nasty vajajay! The truth hurts. Let's keep it real! Krystal what's your stage name as a stripper maybe that's it! Somebody needs some Krystal Meth to get on stage. You call that dancing? Take the pole away now what do you have? A cheap ass stripper without her pole. That's ain't right right there even Larry the Cable Guy agrees. What trailer park did you say you live in? Krystal = TPT

Looks like @Krystal made a new friend.
That's fine for you Krystal keep telling yourself that a million times, "I'm not a stripper" maybe one day you'll believe it. That said maybe she danced as a stripper 'cos as a multi-millionaire her husband was CHEAP not giving her enough ca$h is king that's why the rich are richer than us they won't spend it. That said besides saying cuss words the GD my pet peeve tells me you're not a professional unless it's a professional ho. Happy New Year - 2014 Now shape up or ship out the young hot babes will replace a rapidly, aging after three kids BEAT not sexy just another pair of legs that cheap joints like you strip in will hire 'cos they're desperate. Maybe in your warped mind you THINK you can show them young 'uns perhaps in your small town there's a shortage of "talent" I mean single mothers of three who need ca$h so badly they'll spread those ass cheeks to get a dollar bill shoved up there or in the nasty vajajay! The truth hurts. Let's keep it real! Krystal what's your stage name as a stripper maybe that's it! Somebody needs some Krystal Meth to get on stage. You call that dancing? Take the pole away now what do you have? A cheap ass stripper without her pole. That's ain't right right there even Larry the Cable Guy agrees. What trailer park did you say you live in? Krystal = TPT
Darling, I'm not a single mother of 3, I am happily married. And I am no longer a stripper/dancer/entertainer or anything else for anyone but my husband. I cuss here because it's DD and it's what we do. If it's your pet peeve then find another site to troll. I now have a law degree and quite professional as a result.

And bringing in the drug connection, how very original. Want to ask if I gave blow jobs for money too? Krystal is my God given name. I always find great irony in someone bringing my name into their retarded insults when they are here under a screen name.

And let's see, when the times got tough with my kids I could have sat at home and whined while collecting your tax dollars because my ex-husband refused to help me with our 3 kids or I could go out and shake my ass to pay my bills? I fail to see how what I did to make ends meet was somehow wrong or something that I need your or anyone else's approval to have done to take care of my own damn kids!
Now shape up or ship out the young hot babes will replace a rapidly, aging after three kids BEAT not sexy just another pair of legs that cheap joints like you strip in will hire 'cos they're desperate

ummmm...007 (damned if I'm typing that whole alphabet you call a user name), ad hominem attacks are a sign of ignorance. When you cannot make a logical argument, resort to insults and personal attacks. *tsk, tsk* This is not the place to try and play that game. You will run away whimpering, looking over your shoulder and yelping. Hell, these bitches scare ME, and I was raised by Marines!

And, you nasty little piece of cock-snot, I have met Ms Krystal, and she is young, pretty and has a killer figure. I considered hating on her, but she's such a sweet and funny lady all I could do was wish I was HER! Fuck off before I forget I'm a fuckin' LADY and say something rude.
btw..who the hell are you?
im gonna assume shes a hambeast or just a beast. . . Whos probably just jealous over women who are actually able to make benjamins shaking what mama gave em. . . She maybe a waddle instead of shakin kind of girl. . .who knows. . .but she definetly sounds jealous and offended by strippers/dancers. . . .dont be a hater biatch. . . .krystal is a very accomplished mother/woman/human. . . Im guessing unlike urself mslikendick007 . . . Now how does it feel to be dissed on. Hasnt ur mother ever told u to do unto others better than u do unto urself. . . Lmao. Start now . . It aint too late. . .
who should i ask?

As much as I can gather, the unofficial media-designated Hierarchy of Caring, (or Give-A-Shit-O-Meter) (ranked from caring the most to caring the least about a victim) can fuzzily be ranked as such:

1. Innocent little adorable white babies/children from middle class or better
1.2 Babies/children of all colors from all groups that are still sort of cute
1.3 Defective babies/children of all colors from all groups
2. Attractive young white woman or young white mother (from middle class or better)
2.1 Attractive white woman (of any age/socioeconomic group)
3. White Woman of any age/socioeconomic group or criminal record
4. White man of any age/appearance socioeconomic group or criminal record
5. White male from underclass, white male drug user/prostitute with a criminal record
6. Attractive, young, middle-class or better non-white person
7. Non-white, but non-black individuals from underclass.
8. Black men from underclass
9. Black women from underclass
10. Black women from the underclass who are also drug users/prostitutes.

In my estimation, which is by no means expert, the BonDurantist Hierarchy of Caring would probably be a simpler spectrum. . . maybe something like:

1. White males who contribute to society
2. White persons, who are not male, but despite this, contribute to society somehow
3. White underclass; white people of high socioeconomic value of other nations
4. Nonwhite "persons" who despite this somehow contribute to society
5. Nonwhite underclass, nonwhite "persons" of other nations
In my estimation, which is by no means expert, the BonDurantist Hierarchy of Caring would probably be a simpler spectrum. . . maybe something like:

1. White males who contribute to society
2. White persons, who are not male, but despite this, contribute to society somehow
3. White underclass; white people of high socioeconomic value of other nations
4. Nonwhite "persons" who despite this somehow contribute to society
5. Nonwhite underclass, nonwhite "persons" of other nations

Number 4 should be: Canines registered with the American Kennel Club.
He also ranks women on attractiveness. So a subset of numbers two and four would be

"Non white females who are more attractive than white females of the same socioeconomic group."