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You hit it china, this is word around town. I think she was pregnant and if they find out that was the case, i really feel she should have to pay for all the money that was used for her searches. I don't think they should get away with that.

That's a great way to encourage runaways to never come home again.
Good grief, what a long and horrible nightmare for her. Not that a good looking kidnapper would have made it better, but he is extra scary looking.
I'm actually surprise that she made it home. Now I really want to know how she was reunited with her family.
Well, shit. There goes my theory of "abducted by aliens". Glad they arrested someone quickly. Wonder what he was doing with her...
it is curious...it says he intended to do an offense...did he not do it? then what the hell she been doing for 9 months?
I feel bad for this kid. 14 year olds are pretty ignorant and I assume statutory rape was involved. National attention for that has to be horribly embarrassing.
So she starved herself to the point that her body can't digest solid food, and she tricked the FBI into believing that she was a victim of foul play? Pretty impressive for a 14 y.o.
So she starved herself to the point that her body can't digest solid food, and she tricked the FBI into believing that she was a victim of foul play? Pretty impressive for a 14 y.o.

Pretty sure statutory rape qualifies her as a victim of foul play. He's 34, he should know extremely well that he can't harbor a 14 year old runaway but I can expect a 14 year old to have little to no common sense. Kids have such a poor grasp on love and will do almost anything for attention.

Does anyone know about the specifics of kidnapping? If she went willingly but was housed by a random guy does that still qualify as kidnapping? I assume so since parents can kidnap their children, so it seems like this kid would be a victim all around. She's 14.... he's 34....
Ugh another little evil one like my daughter soo sad and she is just relishing the attention probably broke up with the guy she was banging, he got tired of hiding her out, had a baby or needed to kick a bad drug habit developed over the last nine months. She will do it again as soon as she gets another opportunity.
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Ugh another little evil one like my daughter soo sad and she is just relishing the attention probably broke up with the guy she was banging, he got tired of hiding her out, had a baby or needed to kick a bad drug habit developed over the last nine months. She will do it again as soon as she gets another opportunity.

Please tell me you're joking. Cause that's all sorts of fucked up.
Ugh another little evil one like my daughter soo sad and she is just relishing the attention probably broke up with the guy she was banging, he got tired of hiding her out, had a baby or needed to kick a bad drug habit developed over the last nine months. She will do it again as soon as she gets another opportunity.

Do you have information we don't?
Unfortunately no (I know I am a horrible person) unless you have been through this situation you cannot possibly know what it is like. Per the quote of the missing child unit detective who I have worked with for almost 4 years in Florida 90% of missing girls between 12-16 are running the streets to be out of the parents rules and school. They want to hang out have older boyfriends do drugs thus making them the perfect victims.

I grew up with these kind of girls it might not have happened in your neighborhood but in mine it was more normal for a girl to live with a grown man with a baby at 13 and abnormal for a girl to make through high school without a child and this was in the 90's these girls turned around and bred kids that have even less values that the baby making 13 year olds did because Mom was cool and acted as their friends. The good girls were influenced by the bad ones more than you could ever know especially when you could go to their house and their mother provided the beer, liquor and weed.

Please the world is not all rainbows and butterflies and then we wonder why they turn out like this we baby them way to much they need to be held responsible for their actions. I know it sounds cold but all you have to do is watch the little girls who rather sell themselves on the street than go back to their good homes where their families are literally waiting for confirmation of life. I have lived with this for 4 years and through out have met many girls who choose the same lifestyle as I have worked closely with them. I am not saying there are not victims but we need to start distinguishing the victims from those who choose and yes at 14 they do know right from wrong like the kid that chooses to kill their friend or parents. Rational and planned decisions do not make you a victim.

I will never be ok with a 14 year old fucking a 34 year old man. Never. Ever. Period.

She will always be a victim in my eyes, nothing will ever change that.
Well, thanks for catching that for me china cause it was gone by the time I quoted it.

No one claimed the world was all rainbows and butterflies. But to think that she is a runaway (when everyone is adamant she wasn't) and seeing someone arrested for her kidnapping, I don't think that it's fair to state that she was complicit in her own kidnapping when there's hardly any information out besides she's home and he's been arrested.

I'm wondering if anyone else would've thought the same had women held captive by Ariel Castro had broken out of the home they were kept in for over 10 years without any witnesses around: that they were fast ass little girls who were raised incorrectly by their parents and got tired of being with the man so they left and claimed kidnapping and rape.
I'm wondering if they met online with him pretending to be younger than he is and clearly with a fake picture, he's got one of those faces that even a mother would have a hard time loving, and she went voluntarily to meet him only for him be be a monster and what started out innocent and voluntary quickly turned into sinister and against her will?

It's just a theory and not one that I'm throwing out there to place blame on her because she's just a kid, there is a reason 14 year olds still live with guardians, because they don't have life expereince that comes with age. I think that if she had any hand in her own disappearance it was because she got taken advantage of by an adult, as in he tricked her to think he was someone else and tricked her into meeting him.