• You must be logged in to see or use the Shoutbox. Besides, if you haven't registered, you really should. It's quick and it will make your life a little better. Trust me. So just register and make yourself at home with like-minded individuals who share either your morbid curiousity or sense of gallows humor.
Ah, now i see the whole thing...on my phone i only saw the vagina part... thank you, Whisper for making her pic bigger for me :p
Why would we offer you people anything pertinent. You have proven your lack of intelligence. Your childish nature. You were too busy ganging up on me to see what was being said. China got close. But, too late. I got what I came here for, now I turn it over to others. Good luck to you all.
Is this the most insane, narcissistic statement? My goodness "you came close, but Im not going to tell you, cause you are idiots. You don't deserve my superior intelligence in enlightening you on this subject, as I know what really went on. But I got what I came for, and I am going to jack off in my lonely bathroom over what morons Ive dealt with here. SO THERE!!!" Hahahahahhaa.
It's not a joke, tho, on the tattoo thread she said it's a "tribal uterus".
Oh my fucking god. I wish I could thank you a 100 times I just spit beer everywhere. Got my whole house laughing their ass off. I think I may need to wake the neighbors and show them
we have read the pms why do you stick around for this crap???
how can you be rejected by so many and yet keep on lying we have then pms and we have the fake cancer pages in shout go read them
Im not the one you accused of stalking you
but we have the pms and pages proving you cant go where you want because your fucking banned under a few diff names
if you hadnt lied nobody wouldve googled you and found the treasure in shoutbox we all have read
to have all those pms with loony then claim you dont know him you fucked yourself
betcha believe it now when they say whatever goes on the net stays on the net
even pms
Where the hell am I when all the pointless drama llama is hanging the fuck around? You bitches are gonna have to start letting me know when the idiots come out the box and want to play.
I wonder though, what really happened to set the murder/suicide in motion. This Dr lady had the world by the balls. Seriously. She had mad respect from a lot of peeps in the circles she ran in. Im wondering if she had just had it with her husband, and he didn't want the meal ticket to end. And if the jerk who stated there were previous arsons in the area, maybe the husband was going to take advantage of this. But, shit went wrong, and his pride and joy succumbed to the morphine dose ( to quiet him and keep him from knowing what dad was doing). So he offed himself too. So sad.
Y'all are gonna have to let me know when the shit hits the fan in the shoutbox, I promise I'll just read and chuckle to myself and enjoy the hell out of all y'all kicking ass!
Y'all are gonna have to let me know when the shit hits the fan in the shoutbox, I promise I'll just read and chuckle to myself and enjoy the hell out of all y'all kicking ass!
We need some kind of alert system for this type of thing.
Someone here at DD needs to invent a 'tard defender' signal, similar to the bat signal. I'd appreciate it! :devil:
Exactly! My kiddos school district has a reverse 911 type deal that alerts me via text. For sure DD could do something similar
Daaaamn, @Beantown Bitch ...congrats for becoming one of the few that started out as a regular member only to become a tard... hmmm, what would that be called? Reverse tardism?? Yeah, sounds legit.

@SpQa, i believe you have a new subject for your studies :woot:
i believe you have a new subject for your studies

Certainly! I've been debating myself on how to name this new phenomena: Tatardism?, Tard-Tard-Defender? I like yours tho, "Reverse Tardism"... If we have discovered "Negative IQ-ones", this "Reverse Tardism" could be something like IQ inversion... The difficult part would be to link it to a cerebral function... a sudden cerebral hemisphere exchange symmetry? ... Thanks for pointing that out Twiz...
Certainly! I've been debating myself on how to name this new phenomena: Tatardism?, Tard-Tard-Defender? I like yours tho, "Reverse Tardism"... If we have discovered "Negative IQ-ones", this "Reverse Tardism" could be something like IQ inversion... The difficult part would be to link it to a cerebral function... a sudden cerebral hemisphere exchange symmetry? ... Thanks for pointing that out Twiz...
Further research is certainly needed. In my professional opinion it may have been cause by a spontaneous genetic mutation. We will need more case subjects most definately.
It's not a joke, tho, on the tattoo thread she said it's a "tribal uterus".
OK, thank god it's not just me. I've been looking at that avatar all week wondering why someone would put the female gynecologic system on a neck tat? WTF? to each there own, it's her gd neck, just sayin.
Certainly! I've been debating myself on how to name this new phenomena: Tatardism?, Tard-Tard-Defender? I like yours tho, "Reverse Tardism"... If we have discovered "Negative IQ-ones", this "Reverse Tardism" could be something like IQ inversion... The difficult part would be to link it to a cerebral function... a sudden cerebral hemisphere exchange symmetry? ... Thanks for pointing that out Twiz...
Hypothesy: it could be a new form of Tourettes. Tardettes? The subject types random offensive posts that are completely out of context with the subject matter. This phenomena requires your intensive study at once!
Oh no. Tard-tardism, tard defenders, tartarism, they'll all gone completely silent. I do so wonder y.....:D
@TwiztidAngel I believe she just ran out of anti-psychotics.
But aaaaaaNNNNNYYYYYYWAY, back to the gigantic puzzle that is this case.
You know, I'll TRY to steer it back, but I get distrac.... squirrel!
@TwiztidAngel I believe she just ran out of anti-psychotics.
But aaaaaaNNNNNYYYYYYWAY, back to the gigantic puzzle that is this case.
You know, I'll TRY to steer it back, but I get distrac.... squirrel!
I have totally agree here. I hope the cops r able to piece this mystery together. I hope the boy is resting in piece, regardless of which parent did it. So sad.