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Security footage captured the man kicking through the duct work in the ceiling of the YMCA Child Development Center in Indio, California, KESQ-TV reports.

He then drops to the floor to break into a cash register, stealing all the money inside before making a daring escape out the door.

There's just one problem: The cash register in question is a children's toy, filled with play money that is worth next to nothing.

The Indio Police Department believes this might not be the first acoustic ceiling tile-crushing caper this cat burglar has sunk his claws into.

"Thieves tend to have specific MOs, with stuff that they follow and stuff that they are comfortable with. They don't get caught doing it once and they figure, 'Hey, it's a tried-and-true method,' and then they stick to it," explains IPD Sgt. Dan Marshall.

Wish I could be there when he tries to spend it!!

Maybe he'all get lucky & the cashier won't notice Ronald McDonalds face on the $100 dollar bill!?
The picture of the money in the play register woke up my OCD about the way money is arranged in a cash register, the heads should always be pointing to the right not the left. Of course no one else cares, just me. It drives me crazy when my money is all mixed up, upside down and backwards! o_O

Making bank deposits was horrendous when the money was all mixed up!:rolleyes:
The picture of the money in the play register woke up my OCD about the way money is arranged in a cash register, the heads should always be pointing to the right not the left. Of course no one else cares, just me. It drives me crazy when my money is all mixed up, upside down and backwards! o_O

Making bank deposits was horrendous when the money was all mixed up!:rolleyes:
I'm the same way. It drives me crazy when I get change from the store, cash from a teller or withdraw money through an ATM. Face the fucking bills, people.
What I know is that it used to be the automatic counters at banks couldn't count money that wasn't all faced the same way, it didn't recognize the bills if they were upside down or with the backside forward.

So at the time, as far back as the late 70's, when I was working as a cashier we were trained to keep the bills turned a certain way to make less work for the one who made up the bank deposit and because the bank would complain if they had to keep turning over bills when their automatic counters stopped.

But now it's not as much as a problem since the counters are smart enough to recognize the bill no matter how it's turned. They can also recognize counterfeits, got caught with a bank deposit with a counterfeit in it once, took my picture and everything.
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He really only needed that money because he was losing at Monopoly. Those damn hotels will get you every time. :banghead: