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Of all the candidates, Hillary Fucking Clinton is the one who least cares about what happens to this country. All she cares about is her fame & fortune as first female president of the U.S. She will do anything and everything to please her corporate masters because it will further open doors so she can feel like she grew a dick. Everything is secondary, including our lives. Every day will be a Benghazi.
Feel the Bern!! @Morbid!! In all seriousness though, I'm hoping Bernie gets the nomination, as he's already got my vote.
[doublepost=1454960678,1454960224][/doublepost]When I get home from work, I will copy Bernie's plan for everything, the economy, foreign policy, ect. He has it all laid out in plain speak for everyone to see on his website. I had posted it on FB a week or so ago. (I know, why put any important and sane info on FB, right? Trying to educate the masses, lol)
Let's talk economics for a second.

We are a demand-driven economy. Like sharks that can't stop swimming lest they suffocate, we cannot stop buying. Sure, unemployment has dipped below 5%, but that's a misleading number.

You only count as unemployed if you have actively reported to the state that you have looked for work within the last four weeks. This is hard for the government to quantify if you're not actively reporting (via unemployment insurance or some other social program). And, if you've just given up for a while because you're not finding anything sufficient, you don't count. These people make up the labor force participation rate, which is at a 40-year low. Almost 40% of Americans are flat out not looking for work, but they don't count against unemployment numbers, which keep falling.

Yes, we've added over 100,000 jobs to the economy in the last year, but the lion's share, which we've all heard about, are minimum wage. And that's been the case the entire "recovery". Moderate incomes have been and are being replaced by minimal incomes.

Meanwhile, the cost of living continues to rise. We're enjoying low gas prices, but the price of food hasn't come back down to match (even though it's often the reason cited for increased food prices). Rent is up, but thanks to the crash and new regulations, a home is harder to get into. Child care is up, as much as a year of college tuition in some states. Utilities are always going up. Staples. Things we can't live without, ever-increasing in expense.

Yet, wages aren't raising to match. Under the Obama administration, we are continuing to see growing income inequality.

It looks like the economy is moving forward, but by what measure? These factors combine to spell disaster for both short term and long term growth.

The way to correct it before catastrophe is to address wealth inequality. Initiatives that support infrastructure, which in turn support manufacturing, the largest source of living wage jobs in this country (and an industry that is hurting right now). We need to increase access to education and child care for working families, who DO take that opportunity to boost themselves into a better economic position. And we need to close tax loopholes. I am middle class. There is absolutely no reason that, all in, I should be paying a higher rate of taxes than a millionaire, or a corporation that enjoys a negative tax rate.

The manner in which our economy is "improving", currently, only benefits a very small percentage of the population. The rest of us are being asked to do more with the same amount of money year after year, and that will bring this economy to a screeching halt if we don't make corrections now. A bigger percentage of our paycheck spent on staples means less spent on general consumables, the engine of our economy.

Corrections Obama hasn't made, and Hillary is unwilling to.
if you think Hilary will emprove your life at a cost to corporations, we're back to the three monkeys when it comes to the Clintons and their supporters
Obama was a total dud, she's outright evil

don't why the fuck this merged
Steinem said she “misspoke” when she made the comment on Real Time with Bill Maher after being asked why she thought Clinton wasn’t doing better with young women. She apologized “for what’s been misinterpreted as implying young women aren’t serious in their politics.”
In a case of talk-show Interruptus, I misspoke on the Bill Maher show recently, and apologize for what's been misinterpreted as implying young women aren't serious in their politics. What I had just said on the same show was the opposite: young women are active, mad as hell about what's happening to them, graduating in debt, but averaging a million dollars less over their lifetimes to pay it back. Whether they gravitate to Bernie or Hillary, young women are activist and feminist in greater numbers than ever before.
It looks like Trump and Bernie are leading in New Hampshire. Anyone else think one of them might "have an accident"? I mean if the "man" and the "establishment" are so against them and yet so powerful, why not just get rid of them, like they did to Kennedy?
It looks like Trump and Bernie are leading in New Hampshire. Anyone else think one of them might "have an accident"? I mean if the "man" and the "establishment" are so against them and yet so powerful, why not just get rid of them, like they did to Kennedy?
That's exactly what I think will happen, at some point, but I don't think Bernie will even get the nomination because of it. He'll be stopped right there before going further.

The Establishment would love Trump. As long as they're getting a piece of his deals, they'll fawn all over him.
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It looks like Trump and Bernie are leading in New Hampshire. Anyone else think one of them might "have an accident"? I mean if the "man" and the "establishment" are so against them and yet so powerful, why not just get rid of them, like they did to Kennedy?

I think this kind of thing is a legitimate threat, but not until they get into office.

Thanks to movements like Occupy Wall Street and BLM, there is a heightened sense of paranoia related to "The Establishment". The economy is not in a good place - 50% of the population is under the poverty line, and another 30% is just a layoff or medical expense away. If they off'd Bernie even inside the first year of a presidency, I think they'd run the risk of legit revolution.
thank god for those wonderful Obama years and a special thanks to the special people that voted him in twice, I know! I know! Its all Bush's fault
How Bernie Plans to Pay For His Proposals

Plan: Rebuild America Act: Sen. Sanders has proposed a $1 trillion plan to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure and put 13 million Americans to work.
Payment:paid for by making corporations pay taxes on all of the “profits” they have shifted to the Cayman Islands and other offshore tax havens, which the Congressional Research Services estimates may currently create losses that approach $100 billion annually, and other loopholes.

Plan: College for All: Sen. Sanders has proposed making public colleges and universities tuition-free and substantially reducing student debt, in a plan that would cost about $75 billion a year.
Payment: Paid for by imposing a tax on Wall Street speculators that would generate about $300 billion in revenue.

Plan:Expand and Extend Social Security: Sen. Sanders has proposed expanding Social Security and extending the solvency of this program until 2065.
Payment:paid for by lifting the cap on taxable income above $250,000 so that the wealthy pay the same percentage of their income into Social Security as working people.

Program: Youth Jobs Program: Sen. Sanders has proposed a $5.5 billion youth jobs program to create 1 million jobs for disadvantaged young Americans.
Payment: Paid for by ending the carried interest loophole that allows billionaire hedge fund managers to pay a lower tax rate than nurses and truck drivers.

Plan:paid Family and Medical Leave: Sen. Sanders has proposed at least 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave to all workers.
Payment: Paid for by a payroll tax that would total $1.61 a week for the typical American worker. According to Sen. Gillibrand’s office, this would be “a self-sufficient program that would not add to the federal budget.”

Plan: Protect Pensions: Sen. Sanders has introduced a plan to prevent cuts to the pensions of over 1.5 million Americans.
Payment:paid for by closing two tax loopholes that allow the wealthy to avoid taxes on money they inherit and expensive artwork they collect.

Plan:Renewable Energy and Clean Jobs Transition: Sen. Sanders has a plan to invest in clean, sustainable energy sources powered by the sun, wind and Earth’s heat. He also has a plan to provide comprehensive benefits to workers as they transition to making the solar panels, wind turbines, and batteries of tomorrow.
Payment: Paid for by stopping taxpayer-funded giveaways to oil, gas and coal companies.

Plan:Sen. Sanders has introduced a plan to expand health care coverage to every American.
Payment:paid for by a 6.2 percent income-based health care premium paid by employers, a 2.2 percent income-based premium paid by households, progressive income tax rates, taxing capital gains and dividends the same as income from work, limiting tax deductions for the rich, adjusting the estate tax, and savings from health tax expenditures.

Edit to say, I have no idea why the P's in paid came out as emoji's,
Yup, Bernie would do wonders for this country. But do you really think all those wealthy folk are going to let it happen, and lose some of their precious billions? Lose their clout?!

Yup, Bernie would do wonders for this country. But do you really think all those wealthy folk are going to let it happen, and lose some of their precious billions? Lose their clout?!


If we can get people off their lazy asses and out of their legarthy about "mine is only one vote, it won't make a difference" he actually can win.
Shh. It's happening. Shh. Just let it happen.
I know. When I read your dance post, I really wanted to dance with you. When I heard about Bernie's win over The Cunt last night, an elated smile burst across my face - but only briefly. Because I remembered The Establishment doesn't want him in charge, and will do whatever it takes to keep him from getting too close to the Presidency. I'm sorry to be so pessimistic about it...but I've been watching it for decades. So many have become so corrupt at so high levels of our government that it will never be undone.
If we can get people off their lazy asses and out of their legarthy about "mine is only one vote, it won't make a difference" he actually can win.

That's gonna be one of his biggest challenges. As much as young people like him, they notoriously do not go out and vote.
My generation is different. Yes, we can! *dances*

Speaking about Millennial Generation or Generation Y:

According to data released by the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement, 21.3 percent -- or around 10 million of us turned out to vote in the 2014 midterm elections. The Center for American Progress found that in the 2012 election our generation had 64 million eligible voters, yet only 26 percent of us actually voted. That means a large number of us, 74 percent, didn't vote.


Obama mounted his 2008 campaign with an optimistic slogan — and largely before the economic collapse that defined his first term in office. Yet even then, in that year’s Iowa caucuses, young people accounted for less than one-fourth of the electorate that turned out for him.

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I was commenting on young voters, but not completely. Even older voters of the Democrat and Independent sides are bad at getting out to vote. We have to urge everyone to get out there.
The caucus turnout in Iowa of 180,000 blew away the previous record of 120,000, and it's being speculated that millennials were primarily responsible for that surge, given Bernie's unanticipated success.

Millennials are getting a little older, now, too. I'm a millennial, and I'm 33. More of us are going to recognize the utility in voting than 4 years ago.

Plus, we're getting stomped on out here. Despite millennials being the most formally educated generation ever, we're going to be the first generation to do worse than our parents on average. Bernie's talk about leveling the playing field is bolder than Obama's was, and we're feelin' it.

I think Bernie's the guy to get millennials to the polls.
I have a 20 year old child. :bored:

I have no idea how old any of your children are, or how many you have. Like I said, I simply lost reading comprehension and thought you were stating that your generation, Generation Y, was different than others. :hungry:

But older white people come out in droves when they feel threatened. That's gonna be Bernie's biggest obstacle come voting day as a lot may have fallen for Trump's xenophobia schtick, and a lot of them were around when saying things like Bernie is proposing was nothing short of pure, evil Communism.
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I'll tell ya one thing...if Bernie is on the ballot, even I will go out and vote for him - and I don't believe in the voting process at all anymore.
...will be as equally satisfied with Hillary.
:wideyed: What the...Bernie & Hillary are like, opposite ends of the spectrum. Why in the living heck would you be satisfied with her? If she's in charge, there'll be Benghazis at least once a week, and we'll all be unemployed and broke within two years, and sent off to China as slave labor to pay off Obama's debt.

I wish we could have a sit down face to face about this cause I think something is getting lost in translation.
:wideyed: What the...Bernie & Hillary are like, opposite ends of the spectrum. Why in the living heck would you be satisfied with her? If she's in charge, there'll be Benghazis at least once a week, and we'll all be unemployed and broke within two years, and sent off to China as slave labor to pay off Obama's debt.

I wish we could have a sit down face to face about this cause I think something is getting lost in translation.
Are you seriously trying to understand a Libtard mind? Reminds me of an old commercial

That is completely and absolutely ridiculous. Tell me, darling, which of the republicans do you think could do a better job? Jeb? Cruz? ....Trump?
Well, unfortunately...there isn't a good Republican candidate. :meh:

But bring back H. Ross Perot, and we'll have something to talk about.
He didn't run as a Republican...
I know. He was Independent. But he was the last candidate I liked before Bernie. :D
[doublepost=1455382012,1455246193][/doublepost]So now that The Cunt lost to Bernie, I'm beginning to see more anti-Bernie shit showing up on Facebook.

I hear she's also bad-mouthing some of his proposed plans, claiming they "won't work in the real world."

Bitch, they'll work just fine and create a stronger economy if you put We the People first and stop prioritizing your corporate masters. This is the kind of rhetoric designed to keep the status quo so big business can keep raping our asses. And Hillary will be right there, forcing us to bend over.

I do think Bernie is our only hope. Does this make him a modern day Obi Wan Kenobi? Are we actually the real living version of Star Wars?? I want a fucking light saber out of this.
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Fuck politics! Vote for me as a write in candidate; I promise I won't do any worse than the Republicans and/or the Democrats. I swear!

I will institute "time outs" for nations that get froggy.
I will make millionaires give their left-overs to the homeless.
I will make it illegal for anyone running for office to wear dead animals on their heads.
I will institute a NEW national holiday...Cuss Congress Day.
I have a dream too!
mr cb will be the First Dude!
Just ordered a 100 of these going to have couple kids pass them out downtown


Fuck politics! Vote for me as a write in candidate; I promise I won't do any worse than the Republicans and/or the Democrats. I swear!

I will institute "time outs" for nations that get froggy.
I will make millionaires give their left-overs to the homeless.
I will make it illegal for anyone running for office to wear dead animals on their heads.
I will institute a NEW national holiday...Cuss Congress Day.
I have a dream too!
mr cb will be the First Dude!
You got my vote
I'm going all democrat on you and voting multiple times, no ID required, checking Obits now for names
Fuck politics! Vote for me as a write in candidate; I promise I won't do any worse than the Republicans and/or the Democrats. I swear!

I will institute "time outs" for nations that get froggy.
I will make millionaires give their left-overs to the homeless.
I will make it illegal for anyone running for office to wear dead animals on their heads.
I will institute a NEW national holiday...Cuss Congress Day.
I have a dream too!
mr cb will be the First Dude!
Do I have a job in this brave new world of yours?? :D
Of course, they weren't expecting Eric Fucking Dickhead Holder to be part of the mix back then...
Eric Holder greatest accomplishment is to be a dickhead? Not at all.
He is the first Black U. S. District Attorney General who has earned a Contempt of Congress gold star. The Only D.A. in the highest office to do so in America's Racist History.
The best part of Eric "Gun Runner" Holder's Obstruction of Justice vote? Executive Order protection that now implicates the POTUS in said gun running scandal.
Can we say Conflict of Interest? Aiding and abetting under the Uniform Code of Conduct is a Lawful charge for the Commander in Chief.
But only in a Nation ruled under Law, which we are not.
At least we can confirm the reality of Executive edict that makes us the greatest third world Banana Republic. Bar None.
OOOOH rod2pop! You know you're my favorite man whore! Of course you'll come to DC with me! There are lots of hoes in DC already; MY man whores will put them to shame. Your job will be to make all the ladies in Congress happy...so they will pass my bills and be loyal supporters.

No more kennels for YOU; you may sleep in the Lincoln bedroom and eat dinner with the First Family, with a fork no less! I may even invite bite me as my personal aide; his job will be to disagree with everything I say and/or do and yell "LIBTARD" at me....it'll keep me honest! I may be the first Prez to do that!

We should have Moms and Grandmas in charge; congress is nothing but a bunch of 2 year olds who need a good spanking (they're adults, so it's ok)...Grannies are formidable.
This Viral Rant About Hillary Clinton is the Most Savage Takedown Ever...

Politico recently posted a Hillary Clinton puff piece to its Facebook page, in which a young Clinton supporter aims to convince fellow millennials about how her candidate was “such a boss” in the 1990s. One Facebook commenter was having none of it.


Almost immediately after Politico posted the article, Mark’s comment tearing apart Clinton’s record jumped to the top of the thread, attracting over 150 likes. Perhaps the reason for the comment’s virality is that nothing cited in the comment is factually incorrect. Here’s a point-by-point breakdown... (See link.)

This. This is why I would not be able to stomach a vote for Hillary. This is why I'm gathering everyone I know for a caucus party.

The argument that leaders evolve with new information doesn't have the capacity to account for this woman's missteps. She said young black men need to be "brought to heel," like dogs, for christ's sake.

Ron Paul had some questionable content in newsletters he didn't even write, but was ultimately responsible for, and he got smeared to kingdom come and back for being a "racist". Hillary calls young black men "super predators" and the likens them to dogs... words that left her lips, and she gets a pass somehow?

Legacy, sexism, plutocracy... take your pick, but it's inexcusable.
I think the only reason Trump is in the mix is to make a Democratic nominee appear like the lesser of two evils, which Americans just love. Makes it easier for them to make a decision. Remember, all of this shit is simply staged. The outcome has already been decided. Senators, Congressman, etc., don't care who becomes president, they still get paid and are allowed to continue all their dirty dealing with various corporations in the name of Democracy.
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