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sugarfree irony

Trusted Member
You could tell there was a lot of Photoshopping done. From what I saw I don't quite see what everyone is freaking out about.

Do I like the pictures? No, I don't really like clowns but they're not my family photos they are hers and heavily edited, so I'm missing what the fuss is for.
I, for one hate clowns, have since I took clown pics off my wall and put them in the closet at 4 and then came pennywise from the movie IT. All done with clowns. No irrational fear just don't like them. But there is nothing wrong with others liking them...little baby balancing seems a bit unsafe but its probably Photoshopped, he looks healthy to me. People need to relax and quit freaking out over stupid crap. We have bigger fish to fry.
I don't really care about clowns, and because of the photoshopping many will say no babies were harmed in the making of these pictures, but...they do bother me. It bothers me that her mind could generate these types of ideas toward a child. As much as a pervert as I am, I would never make fun of a child's misery even in jest. It just bothers me. Hopefully there isn't any weird shit going on in her home.
I can't get past the fact that "burned strip" on the baby's leg looks like a piece of microwaved bacon. :wideyed: Baaaaaacon...:hungry:
I dont like them at all, people really do the shit she is portraying for real. Its a free country she can do what she wants but i did not like them at all, maybe a serial killer or a pedophyle would appreciate them. Weirdo.
I hate clowns.
I would however bang her, she seems like an anything goes for a chuckle kinda gal.