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I looooooveeeee snails, and Foie gras, and sweet meats and basically all weird guts and innards. We’re Greek, we cook lamb on a spit at Easter and the old men fight over who gets to eat the eyes.
I do a lot of eastern euro food with family and odd sausages (teehee) including made of random innards but I don’t like the chewy/gummy texture of snails, eyes, octopus, squid, etc
I don't like most seafood, especially the chewy, squeeky, eraser feeling on your teeth kind of seafood. I do like crab and lobster. I'm not going to eat rodents of any kind, beaver ,nutria, rabbits, squirrel. I have tried alligator, it was alright but I'm not going to knock anybody over to eat it again. My first husband would eat anything and by that I mean ANYTHING, he really traumatized me over exotic type foodstuff. Chitlins, pig ears, feet brains and tails. He would buy canned pork brains, I told him he had to eat that shit outside.
Apropos of absolutely nothing, I cannot mix shellfish because I will become nauseous every time. I discovered this as a teenager when I ordered the mixed platter at a restaurant. The point was driven home last year when I forgot and made scallops and crab or something. About the time I started feeling sick, I remembered.

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