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Ill Eagle
A pet dog's reaction to a family member returning home after 2 years... which in fairness is 14 years in dog years.

The schnauzer was taken to the vet, the vet saw the video, and everything is fine. No worries.
I'm gone for 8 hours a day and it's like our dogs make me feel like the second coming of Christ when I get home. I can't imagine after being gone for 2 years how they would react.
Heck, I take the garbage out and my dog goes nuts when I come back in :) A couple of years ago the kiddo and I went to France for 3 weeks to stay with my parents. The day we flew home Mr. B. gave the dog a bath then let her out to do her business. She wasn't wearing her collar and she got out of the yard and he couldn't find her. He meets us at the airport in tears saying the dog is gone. We got back home and I just started going round the neighborhood banging on doors showing everyone a photo of the dog and asking if they'd seen her. Eventually I found this one dude who says, I found a dog like that in my yard today, I've got her here. I called her name and, bearing in mind this dog weighs 12lbs dripping wet she knocked me right on my ass in that cold wet driveway. Never been so happy in my life.
Awww...I wish everyone was this sweet with their pets. I cracked up and had tears at the same time.