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death metal

  1. Symmachus

    When Eternity Ends, the debut full-length of Chaos Temple

    Since I have received some feedback that a few of you want to listen to my music, this is the thread I am creating to promote it. On August 11, 2021, I officially released When Eternity Ends by Chaos Temple via my vanity imprint Omnifice Productions. I have previously released three demos, two...
  2. Old Man Metal

    My first stab at pan-and-zoom animation

    I'm working on the next episode of Old Man Metal's Musings ("New Metal From Midnight, Red Dead, Scalpture, Total Annihilation and Verbal Razors"), and I just got done with the video segment that I'm going to use for one of the music clips. It's my first stab at pan-and-zoom style animation...
  3. Old Man Metal

    Featured Old Man Metal Rates: "Jesus Built My Wuhan" Edition

    Cruel Fate - A Quaternary of Decrepit Night Mares (2019) 4/5 stars. Great straightforward debut from Canada's Cruel Fate. Nothing fancy; eight tracks of mostly short-to-midlength riff-heavy verse/chorus meat-and-potatoes death metal: crushing chugs, meaty power chords, and some tremolo picked...
  4. Old Man Metal

    Featured Old Man Metal Rates: "Excruciating Decay" Edition

    Cerebral Rot - Odious Descent into Decay (2019) 4/5 stars. First full-length slab of filthy, Autopsy-bred death metal from Seattle's Cerebral Rot. Composed of mostly mid-length tracks, with three longer ones— opener, middle track, and closer; all of them eschew the verse/chorus paradigm...
  5. Old Man Metal

    Featured Old Man Metal Rates: "Burn It All!" Edition

    Possessor - Gravelands (2019) 4/5 stars. Gravelands is the fourth LP from London's Possessor: six tracks of ace stoner/sludge bookended by an intro and an atmospheric reprise whose common aural element— crackling flames— is a great metaphor for the overall driven feel of this album. From the...
  6. Old Man Metal

    Featured Old Man Metal Rates: "All Out Of Candy" Edition

    Maat - As We Create the Hope From Above (2014) 4/5 stars. Maat play excellent Egyptian-themed death metal, largely in the vein of Nile: multi-tempo, very demanding technical death metal riffing combined with Eastern-flavored thematic rhythm guitar work and leads, both of which are often played...
  7. Old Man Metal

    Featured Old Man Metal Rates: "Watch The World Burn" Edition

    Lowest Creature - Sacrilegious Pain (2019) 4/5 stars. Lowest Creature play a straightforward style of metal that sees compelling mid-tempo thrash and crossover riffs bolted together into uncomplicated verse/chorus structures, driven in alternating fits by D-beats and thrash-style drumming, with...
  8. Old Man Metal

    Featured Old Man Metal Rates: "Bang! You're Dead" Edition

    Legion of the Damned - Slaves of the Shadow Realm (2019) 4 out of 5 stars. Primarily mid- and up-tempo thrash riffing, with the neck-snapping riff and tempo changes you expect from good thrash, played against the occasional tremolo-picked death metal passage. The drumming follows suit, again...
  9. Old Man Metal

    Featured Album of the Year: Midyear Check-In

    It's a bit over halfway through the year, so I thought I'd take a quick look at the frontrunners in the perennial race for Album of the Year. So far, the Top 5 is a battle between death metal (2 albums) and black/thrash (2 albums), with death/thrash staking out a piece of territory as well. Two...
  10. Old Man Metal

    Old Man Metal's Musings, Episode 2: Top Five Metal Albums So Far in 2019

    Join Pulpit of Doom and Screamin Demon host Old Man Metal on the second episode of his solo podcast as he looks at the 2016 release of Founders KBS imperial stout and the top 5 current contenders for Metal Album of the Year for 2019: Ravenous Death (black/death), Warfist (black/thrash)...
  11. Old Man Metal

    Old Man Metal's Musings, Episode 1: Favorite Songs of 2018

    Join Pulpit of Doom and Screamin Demon host Old Man Metal on the premiere episode of his solo podcast as he looks at five of his favorite songs from 2018: hardcore/black/thrash from Poland's Mentor, old-school Swedish death metal from Feral, a blend of old-school Swedish and American brutal/tech...
  12. Old Man Metal

    Featured New Research: Death Metal Has Positive Effect On Fans, Doesn't Desensitize Them To Violence

    The most recent in a decades-long series of psychological experiments into the emotional effects of music has demonstrated something that I could have told you for free: listening to death metal has a positive mental effect on fans, does not desensitize them to violence, and scares the shit out...
  13. Old Man Metal

    New Release Entombed Announce May Release Of 'Clandestine - Live'

    Formed from the ashes of the pioneering Swedish death metal band Nihilist in 1989, and universally considered to be one of the Big Four Of Swedish Death Metal, the influence of Entombed on that scene cannot be overstated. Their first full-length album, 1990's Left Hand Path, was the second LP...
  14. Old Man Metal

    Featured Erik Rutan To Fill In For Pat O'Brien On Upcoming Cannibal Corpse Tours

    Cannibal Corpse have recently announced that famed death metal guitarist and producer Erik Rutan will fill in for recently-arrested Cannibal Corpse guitarist Pat O'Brien for two upcoming tours: the Decibel Magazine Tour, which Cannibal Corpse will co-headline with Morbid Angel, and the US leg of...
  15. Old Man Metal

    New Release Wrathrone - Reflections of Torment

    Wrathrone's most recent release, Reflections of Torment, is my current frontrunner for 2018 Album of the Year. This is the second full-length release from these Finnish death metallers, and it is an ass-kicking ten-track slab of old-school death metal. In style, it reminds me more of early 90's...