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baby daddy

  1. Sugar Cookie

    Woman Pepper Sprayed Denny's Employees Because Her Baby Daddy Did Not Answer Her Call

  2. Sugar Cookie

    SCOOP: Woman Tries To Run Her Ex-Boyfriend Over Twice In Front Of Their Child

  3. Sugar Cookie

    Probation: 21-year-old Amanda Zieminski's 2x baby daddy is 15-years-old

    https://wnep.com/2019/06/17/police-woman-got-pregnant-by-15-year-old-boy-for-second-time/ https://www.facebook.com/QueenRuthAnn https://www.facebook.com/bernie.edwards.106
  4. Sugar Cookie

    Where's the Salsa: Floridian hits pregnant gf w/ tortilla chips after finding out the baby might not be his

  5. Sugar Cookie

    Sentenced: Congratulations Carlos Perez Corona is expecting a baby with a 13yo girl

  6. Sugar Cookie

    Savanna Grace White went to fight her baby daddy's new puss w/ a stun gun & lost
